Creating Incentives To Narrow The Gap In Health Outcomes: Expanding Value Assessment To Incorporate Health Inequality

Adding to the ongoing national dialogue on racial inequality, PRECISIONheor’s Jason Shafin and Meena Venkatachalam join the conversation in their Health Affairs blog post: “Creating Incentives To Narrow The Gap In Health Outcomes: Expanding Value Assessment To Incorporate Health Inequality”.


Creating Incentives To Narrow The Gap In Health Outcomes: Expanding Value Assessment To Incorporate Health Inequality2020-08-06T12:40:59-04:00

COVID-19 Pandemic Vindicates the ISPOR Value Flower

ISPOR's “value flower” versus the traditional QALYs approach: Precision's Jason Shafrin, Kathy Lang and Ross Maclean discuss why the “value flower” model can more accurately value treatments - in cases like COVID-19 - which have a transformational impact on the lives of not only of patients, but also caregivers, employers, and broader society.


COVID-19 Pandemic Vindicates the ISPOR Value Flower2020-07-17T15:19:36-04:00