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Featured Expert: Naomi Sacks

This month PRECISIONheor would like to highlight the work and expertise of Senior Director Naomi Sacks. Naomi specializes in retrospective real world studies of burden of illness, including:

  • Healthcare resource use and costs (especially costs to payers)
  • Medication use patterns (including adherence and persistence)
  • Using real world data to estimate disease prevalence and incidence

Recently, Naomi contributed to 2 impactful posters that were presented at Virtual ISPOR 2021. A Descriptive Analysis of Costs and Healthcare Resource Use in Patients with Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome (BOS) Following Lung Transplantation provided an in-depth look at the health care costs associated with BOS, a common complication after lung transplantation. The second, An Observational Cohort Analysis on the Economic Impact of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) in Patients with Fabry Disease (FD), evaluated health care resource utilization and related costs to better understand the economic impact of CKD in patients with FD.

In addition, she also co-authored 2 recently-published studies of note. The first, Costs and health resource use in patients with X-linked myotubular myopathy: insights from U.S. commercial claims, aimed to quantify the direct medical costs and health care resource utilization (HRU) incurred by XLMTM patients and paid by commercial insurers. The second, Trends in health care resource use and expenditures in patients with newly diagnosed paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia in the United States, assessed the longitudinal trends in HRU and expenditures in the 3 years preceding and subsequent to PSVT diagnosis.

To speak with Naomi directly, contact her at
