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Featured Expert: Alice Pressman

This month PRECISIONheor would like to highlight the newest addition to the team, Vice President Alice Pressman.

For the past 5 years Alice has focused her research on development of methods to advance health equity.

With her colleagues from Sutter Health, she co-developed two health equity metrics that helped to launch the Institute for Advancing Health Equity, and to place Sutter in the national spotlight as a leader in the cause:

Early in the pandemic, their team was among the first to provide real world evidence of the alarming disparities exacerbated by COVID-19:

As soon as the vaccines became available, the team created the COVID-19 vaccine equity index (CVEI), a tool to help guide healthcare systems to create equitable vaccination strategies. Read more about this tool in US News.

Most recently, as part of Sutter’s efforts to address maternal health inequities, she led an innovative study of the epidemiology of COVID-19 in pregnancy. The results of this impactful study were published in CBS news, the San Francisco Chronicle, and Yahoo News.

In her new role at PRECISIONheor she hopes to develop new methods to promote the conduct of equitable research trials in addition to studying disparities in the various populations served by the company.

To speak with Alice directly, contact her at
