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Featured Expert: Meena Venkatachalam

This month PRECISIONheor would like to highlight the work and expertise of Senior Director Meena Venkatachalam.

Areas of expertise:

  • Developing health economic models to optimize reimbursement, including:
    • cost-effectiveness
    • budget-impact
    • payer-value tools
    • cost-consequence
    • cost of illness studies
  • Leveraging insight in how these models are perceived from Health Technology Assessment (HTA) bodies internationally, and how best companies can prepare for successful HTA submissions leading to reimbursement

Meena has also contributed to two posters that will be featured at ISPOR EU 11/30-12/3:

  • ID 113330: “Developing a Cost-Effectiveness Analysis for Nivolumab for the Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Resected Esophageal Cancer (EC) or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer (GEJC) in the Absence of Overall Survival DATA”
  • ID 113867: “Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Nivolumab for the Adjuvant Treatment of Patients with Resected Esophageal Cancer (EC) or Gastroesophageal Junction Cancer (GEJC) in Canada”

To view the poster & exhibit viewing session times throughout the conference, click here.

To speak with Meena directly, contact her at
