Earlier this year, Precision Value & Health, in association with Precision ADVANCE, hosted an in-depth, live roundtable:  The Future Treatment and Access Landscape for Cell and Gene Therapies— assembling the perspectives of:

  • Patient advocates
  • National health plans
  • Regional health plans
  • Medicaid health plans
  • Self-funded employer benefit consultancies
  • Healthcare systems
  • Hematologists/Oncologists
  • Neurologists

Dan Vanderpoel, Executive Vice President of PRECISIONvalue, and Dominic Galante, MD, Precision’s Chief Medical Officer, co-moderated the discussion covering a wide range of topics, with the group providing insights, first-hand examples and looks ahead.

And now…you can “listen in” to this exclusive panel of diverse perspectives in our new white paper, summarizing the complete roundtable discussion along with providing key takeaways and future considerations for manufacturers.

Don’t miss out on your chance to grab a free copy of this valuable resource— click here.